Where Design Thinking Meets Change Management
Let's demystify Design Thinking - aka Human Centred Design.
Disruption and new ways of working is calling for different approaches to how we deliver change. At the same time, the employee experience is now regarded as important, if not more important, than the customer experience.
The key objective of this program is to learn to integrate the principles of design thinking into the way you lead or manage change to improve the overall end-user experience and adoption.
This self-paced program has a strong practical focus. It comes with a the Where Design Thinking Meets Change Management Playbook that features templates so you can apply the learning straight away. You can download this Playbook to keep.
Check out my intro clip on this online program.
Lena Ross explains more about this masterclass
Hi, I'm Lena Ross, your facilitator
I developed this masterclass so you can continue to build your change capability and learn anytime, anywhere.
I've made it as practical as possible with your downloadable playbook to keep.
We dive into how to put the ideas into practice and apply them straight away.
Example Curriculum
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I download the learning clips?
While the clips cannot be downloaded, the playbook can and it's yours to keep!
Can I watch the learning clips more than once?
Yes, you can watch the clips as often as you like during your access period.
Can I edit the templates?
Yes, of course! They are provided in PowerPoint format. We include instructions on how to change the colour palette so it suits your organisation's brand colours. And you you can edit them to suit your change initiative. Yours to keep!
We already have a change framework that we are applying in our work - how does this fit in?
This content and its application is what we can call 'methodology agnostic'. This means if you have a change framework or model in place at your organisation or change practice, you will be able to integrate these practices into your change toolkit.
What do I need to complete to gain the certification and digital credential?
You need to successfully complete the multiple-choice question exam, with 80% correct responses.
You can attempt the exam as many times as you need to during your access period.
The exam questions are based on the content presented in the learning clips and in your playbook.
What do I receive upon successful completion?
You will receive the #changehacks Design Thinker digital credential/badge.
Learning Clips
With 12 months access, you can watch our learning clips as often as you like.
Your ongoing resource is your visual playbook - yours to keep!
Template Library
Our curious learners often like to experiment straight away with our templates.
Great for Teams
Tap into the power of peer-to-peer learning. Enrol together and share your insights and learnings.
Micro Credential
Complete the 21-question multi-choice online exam with 80% correct to achieve your digital credential. You have multiple attempts.
Immediate Application
You will learn activities you can apply straight away, regardless of which change methodology or frameworks you are already using.