About this PRIMER for Change Newbies

This is an online resource centre for people new to change management or looking to get into change. Think of it as a launching pad!
It contains a great deal of information that is particularly useful for early career change professionals. It contains clips to watch, documents to download to read and keep and in here you will also find links to further information and where to go if you'd like to learn more.

A message from Lena Ross
Newbies - I created and curated this resource for you!

For a long time, I’ve been asked questions about how to get into change management, and where to go for more information when you are looking around and early in your career.

It can be overwhelming because there is so much information out there!

I’ve been there. I know it can be difficult to know where to start.

So, the #changehacks team has made it easier for you.

This unique online resource package that we have called

A Primer for Change Newbies

is FREE and ready for you to access!

Accessing the content

Questions and Answers

Who is this for?
If you are looking to get into change management, or new to change, this online resource centre is for you.
Can I download the resources?
You can download the PDF resources to keep as an enduring resource. The learning clips cannot be downloaded but you can watch them as many times as you like during your access period.
What happens after I register?
You will have immediate access to the learning clips to watch and PDF resources to read and download. You will also be added to our newsletter list so you can receive our updates on emerging trends in change management and special offers.
Who can I contact for more information on next steps and further learning?
Email us at [email protected] if you have any questions.